When uploading a certificate file in a C4C Communication Arrangement, the system throws the error message: This file type is not permitted.
Cloud for Customer
Reproducing the Issue
In C4C,
- Go to Administrator workcenter;
- General Settings;
- Communication Arrangements;
- Open the Communication Arrangement you want to upload the certificate;
- Click in "Advanced Settings";
- Click "Technical Data" tab;
- Select Authentication Method as "SSL Client Certificate";
- Click "Edit Credentials" button;
- Click "Certificate" tab;
- Upload certificate;
- Select the file you want to upload;
- See the error message;
There are multiple causes for this error message, the most common are:
- The file type doesn't have the ".cer" extension; See SAP Knowledge Base Article 2613693
- The file name has more than one dot, e.g.: "new.certificate.C4C.cer"
C4C performs a validation when the file is selected to check if the certificate is valid one with ".cer" extension. If the file name has more than one dot, the system is unable to determine the file extension.
Make sure that you are selecting a certificate file with extension ".cer" and the file name doesn't have more than one dot.
certificate, .cer, invalid name , KBA , LOD-CRM-INT-ERP , Integration of C4C with ERP , How To