SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3141430 - H2R - Cost Center replication scenario migration


This paper is only relevant if you have activated the communication scenario sap_com_0559 to distribute cost centers via MDI (Master Data Integration)!  


SAP S/4 HANA Cloud




With this paper SAP informs customers that the communication scenario sap_com_0559 will be deprecated with cloud release CE2208 and replaced by communication scenario sap_com_0659. If you already have used the communication sap_com_0559 scenario, you are forced to switch to a new communication scenario.  

This paper describes how this migration process will look like. 

If you want to start the migration process, please contact SAP via Service Now and raise an case on component FI-GL-IS with subject “H2R - Cost Center replication scenario migration requested.” We will call you back and arrange an appointment with you to accompany this migration process. 

The migration phase itself should take less than 1 h if there are no unforeseeable issues and should not be proceeded in the main business phase. To avoid bigger issues, we recommend to not touch existing cost centers or create new ones during the migration phase. After the migration you can immediately continue with your business processes. All other business processes should not be affected.  

Why do we need to migrate? 

As mentioned in the introduction we will replace our cost center replication scenario sap_com_0559 with a generic solution (MDI client also known as MDI ABAP Client, ABAP Client Adapter or ABAP Protocol Adapter). 

The MDI ABAP Client is a part of ABAP platform which takes over the communication with MDI and integrates seamlessly with MDO (Master Data Orchestration) and DRF (Data Replication Framework). 

Using the MDI ABAP client brings up a lot of advantages, for example one-off communication scenario setup to establish the connection between S4 and MDI independent on how many MDI replication models you want to activate (e.g., for cost center, product, etc.).  

The replication model activation itself will now be in MDO, a platform to manage MDI consumer and provider scenarios (e.g., switching them on and off can be done via MDO). MDO is an own service within the BTP that needs to be subscribed first. MDI consumers read MDI data (e.g., SFSF consumes cost center data) and MDI provider are replicating data to MDI (e.g., S4HC replicates cost center data to MDI). 

In our first solution we started to replicate cost centers to MDI with help of communication scenario sap_com_0559. As we want to switch to the MDI ABAP client-based solution, you need to setup MDI ABAP client before the meeting (you can find needed steps in the prerequisite section). Therefor you need to setup two communication scenarios. The first one sap_com_0659 establishes the connection between S4HC and MDI and the second one sap_com_0594 the connection via MDO and S4HC. MDO will replicate replication models via sap_com_0594 to S4HC as an inbound only scenario. To do so you need to create a destination on BTP to store the S4HC endpoint. 

The functionality behind sap_com_0559 handles the communication between S4HC and MDI to replicate cost centers and also takes care of MDI protocol specific data like cost center version ids. As MDI ABAP client now takes over the communication between S4HC and MDI, we also need to handover correspondent MDI protocol data for all already replicated cost centers with help of migration steps described in KBA 3169548

Prerequisites for Migration 

The Migration includes involving and access MDO (write authorization) as well as S/4 Hana. Beneficially both systems are up and running and accessible during the meeting. In error handling cases it is also quite useful to be able to check the MDI BTP (Business Technology Platform) configuration together. To ensure a smooth migration please prepare the following steps according to the checklist (Checklist before Migration). It describes necessary tasks before the MDI Client Cost Center migration e.g., Setup of SAP_COM_0659, MDO BTP Setup, etc.) and it also includes all roles and systems which are needed during the Cost Center Migration Meeting. 

Checklist before Migration 

Check that MDI Setup is done 


1. Go to BTP subaccount and open mdi instance used by S4HC 

2. Check if the service key credentials contain the attribute systemId

If not, please create a new instance according to the documentation: 

Connecting Clients

Use the sample code from the ‘Configure Instance Parameter’ section which look like this currently:  
We recommend using a businessSystemId which identifies your S4HC (This Id must be unique). In the other hand the application should have the value ‘s4’. 


Hint: Please use the previously used BTP MDI tenant. Otherwise, no data instance will be available. 

Check that MDO is ready to use and connected to S/4: 

1. Setup communication scenario sap_com_0594 as described in section Configuration of SAP Master Data Orchestration -> Create a Communication Arrangement 
Onboarding for Cloud Applications Based on the SAP BTP ABAP Environment

2. Setup the destination as described in section Configuration of SAP Master Data Orchestration -> Setup destination

Onboarding for Cloud Applications Based on the SAP BTP ABAP Environment

Please make sure that the destination setup includes the additional properties.  

MDOProvider and MDOConsumer should true and you can find the MDIInstanceId in the service key under attribute systemId. 

3. To test the destination configuration, use the Check Connection button which should return: 


Check that MDI ABAP Client setup is done (e.g., Communication Scenario SAP_COM_0659): 

1. Setup communication scenario sap_com_0659 as described in section Setup the Integration between the ABAP Service Instance and the SAP Master Data Integration Service Instance 

 -> Create a Communication Arrangement (sap_com_0659) 

Onboarding for Cloud Applications Based on the SAP BTP ABAP Environment

2. If you have created a new MDI Instance in previous steps (Check that MDI Setup is done), please also create a new communication system in your S4HC as described here: 

Master Data Replication: Creation of Communication System

S/4 User(s) with following role assignment are available during the call to access needed FIORI launchpad apps:  

  • BR_ADMINISTRATOR (Communication Management) 

  • BR_BUS_NET_INT_CONF_EXPERT (Message Monitoring) 

  • BR_OVERHEAD_ACCOUNTANT (Manage Cost Centers) 

  • BR_DATA_ADMINISTRATOR_REPL (Data Replication Framework) 

MDI/MDO BTP Subaccount Access 

MDO Launchpad Access 

HTTP Client (e.g., preferred Postman ( 


Migration Meeting Agenda 

1. Migration Steps 

2. Smoke Test/Trigger Replication 

Migration Steps


Migration Steps  

1. Deactivate old communication scenario sap_com_0559 

 a. Go to app ‘Display Communication Arrangement’ in section ‘Communication Management’ (role BR_ADMINISTRATOR) 

 b. Filter for Communication Scenario sap_com_0559 

 c. Select result and press delete 

1. Create MDO (Master Data Orchestration) Pull Model and trigger initial load.  
A Pull Model is required if data needs to be consumed from MDI. In this migration case the MDI ABAP Client consumes all already replicated cost centers from MDI. This ensures the handover of needed MDI specific cost center information. 

 a. Go to the MDO application. You also can find the link in your BTP Subaccount in Section Instances and Subscriptions. 

 b. Open app ‘Manage Distribution Model’ and create a new distribution model 


 c. Enter following parameters:  
        Model: Choose a name 
        Business Object Type: Cost Center ( 

        Package Size: 100 
        Recurrence Pattern: Minutes 
        Minutes: 5 

         Provider Interface API: MDI_LOG_COST_CENTER 
         Provider Interface Version: 3.0.0 
         Provider Destination: Press create and choose entry ‘MDI’ 
Consumer: Press create 
          Consumer Destination: Choose your S4HC system which you created as   destination in your BTP subaccount 
          Consumer Application Category: SAP S/4HANA Cloud (S/4) 

 d. Press save and activate 

 e. After the activation is done, press the replicate button to trigger initial replication 


3. Please go to your S4HC Launchpad and login with a user which has role BR_CONF_EXPERT_BUS_NET_INT assigned. Check in AIF interface /MDI (e.g., LOADOBJ_I) whether the initial load succeeded. 

 a. Go to app ‘Message Monitoring Overview’ in section ‘Message Monitoring’  

 b. Select namespace /MDI and interface ‘LOADRUN_I – 0001'. You should find at least one entry for Business Object Type ‘DRF_0081’

 c. Select namespace /MDI and interface ‘LOADOBJ_I – 0001'. You should find cost center ‘Business Object Type: DRF_0081’ log entries accordingly. 

4. Create MDO Push Model (Caution: Please ensure that step 4 is finished completely before you continue with step 5!). This Push Model replicates a replication model from MDO to S4HC and activates the cost center replication in S4HC. From now on all cost center changes will automatically replicated from S4HC to MDI. 

5. Deactivate MDO Pull Model  

 a. Go to the MDO launchpad and open app ‘Manage Distribution Model’ 

 b. Select Cost Center MDO Pull Model and deactivate model


c. Afterward deactivation you can delete it the pull model accordingly. 

6. Optional: Trigger initial load via MDO Push Model. This will send all Cost Centers to MDI again. This is just to ensure that all Cost Center data has been stored properly. E.g., some Cost Center has been activated between steps 1 and 4. 


Smoke Test/Trigger Replication 

There are several ways how Cost Center replication can be triggered: 

1. Initial load via MDO 

a. Go to the MDO Cockpit and open app ‘Manage Distribution Model’ 

b. Select Cost Center Push Model (S4 as a provider) 

c. Select and press button ‘Replicate’ 


d. Select the following settings:  

i. Replication Mode: Initial Replication 

ii. Cloud Cockpit Destination: <MDI Destination> 

e. Press ‘Replicate’ 

2. Replicate selected Cost Centers via MDO Filter option 

a. Go to the MDO Cockpit and open app ‘Manage Distribution Model’ 

b. Select Cost Center Push Model (S4 as a provider) 

c. Edit Push Model 

d. Create Filter in section 'Object Selection'


e. Select Cost Centers which should be replicated 

f. Press ‘Apply’ and ‘Save and Activate’ the Push Model again 

g. Select and press button ‘Replicate’ 


h. Select the following settings:  

i. Replication Mode: Initial Replication 

ii. Cloud Cockpit Destination: <MDI Destination> 

iii. Press ‘Replicate’ 

3. Via Manage Cost Center App and Delete Cost Centers App. Cost Center changes, creations or deletions will trigger direct replications automatically. 


Monitor replication 

There are several ways how to monitor Cost Center replication: 

1. Via DRF (User administrator_data_repl, role: SAP_BR_DATA_ADMINISTRATOR_REPL): 

a. Go to app Monitor Replication and select the replication model you have created in the MDO Cockpit. Here you can find the logs for every replication process. One log entry summarizes the Cost Center that was sent to MDI and provides the information whether the Cost Center change was rejected or confirmed by MDI. 



b. Go to app Display Replication Status and select the Business Object Type ‘Cost Center with Company Code’ (DRF_0081) and the particular Cost Center he wants to check via Company Code and Cost Center selection. The results are similar to option a. 



2. Via AIF (conf_expert_bus_net_int). To get business object related information please select business object type DRF_0081. Go to App Message Monitoring Overview. Relevant AIF interfaces / namespaces: 



This page contains all information about change requests to MDI. It offers the possibility to select specific information related to business object type, business object id, etc. 


b. LOADRUN_I for one run:  

Gives information about the schedule log API job such as run time errors, etc. 


c. LOADPAGE_I for one loaded page: 

One loaded page can consist of a set of several load page runs. This means that API MDI contains too much data to be shown at once. This is the reason this needs to be split. 


d. LOADOBJ_I for object specific messages: 

Contains the information about every change request which has been processed by MDI and returns the log API result for every object. 




KBA , FI-GL-IS , Information System , FI-GL-IS-2CL , Information System (Public Cloud) , Problem


SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition all versions ; SAP S/4HANA Cloud all versions


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