- Designing an Odata model with properties using Integer INT fails with the following error:
FormatException in property
'value' of Element
sap.m.Input#usr.<business component>.<project name>::sap.suite.ui.generic.template.ListReport.view.ListReport:Details--listReportFilter-filterItemControl_Basic-...
Illegal sap.ui.model.odata.type.Int16
~~~~~~End error~~~~~ - The designer even tried modifying the Odata Model XML template to Int32 and it still fails
- Fail to default integer value via ABAP Annotation limitation
SAPUI5 1.96 and others
SAPUI5 1.0
"Illegal sap.ui.model.odata.type.Int", "annotation Integer","Odata Integer","ODATA V2 Int","ODATA Edm.Int", "/IWBEP/CL_MGW_VOCAN_SIMPLE_VAL->SET_INTEGER", "ODATA SET_INTEGER" , KBA , CA-UI5-CTR , SAP UI5 Controls , CA-UI5-COR , Core and Runtime , OPU-GW-COR , Framework , CA-UI5-ST-LR , Fiori elements v2 List Report , Problem
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