When executing hdbnsutil commands, like hdbnsutil -sr_state, the nsutil program gets crash.
In the crash dump file, below exception shows:
[CRASH_STACK] Stacktrace of crash: (no-section-time-available)
----> Pending exceptions (possible root cause) <----
--- Pending assertion:
exception 1: no.2100002 (Basis/Diagnose/impl/FaultProtectionImpl.cpp:1989)
terminate was called
exception throw location:
1: 0x00007fff7fc67fd4 in __cxa_rethrow+0x84 (
2: 0x00007fff8045d14c in __cxa_rethrow+0x4c at cxa_symbol_overrides.cpp:124 (
3: 0x000000012710996c in __cxa_rethrow+0x7c at LinuxExeLocal.cpp:196 (hdbnsutil)
4: 0x00007fff8517a138 in config::ConfigMgr::ConfigMgr
5: 0x00007fff8517a220 in config::ConfigMgr::createInstanceImpl
exception 1: no.2160016 (Basis/Configuration/impl/ConfigurationHandler.cpp:530) TID: 296822
prepareReconfigure call failed; $config$=MemoryConfiguration; $method$=DefaultHandler::registerMainHandler
NO exception throw location recorded. Stack generation system error.
exception type information:
- 0: public ltt::exception@0x7fff806bf168
exception 2: no.2030054 (Basis/MemoryManager/impl/mmMemoryConfiguration.cpp:413) TID: 296822
Wrong statement_memory_limit_threshold (990)
NO exception throw location recorded. Stack generation system error.
HANA Platform Edition 2.0
nsutil, crash, hdbnsutil, crashdump, SIGNAL 6, statement_memory_limit_threshold , KBA , HAN-DB , SAP HANA Database , HAN-DB-HA , SAP HANA High Availability (System Replication, DR, etc.) , Problem
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