- HG GC report Error: 3914, Severity: 26, State: 1 after hitting error 940.
- Error: 940, Severity: 26, State: 11 Dbtable in wrong state for operation: DBTABLE pointer = 0x0x2ab5ec96dbc0, dbid = 27, state = 0x2, status= 0xc, keep = 0, system task keep = 3, name = 'db'.
- Error: 3914, Severity: 26, State: 1 Illegal internal transaction status. This is an internal system error.
- Error: 940, Severity: 26, State: 11 Dbtable in wrong state for operation: DBTABLE pointer = 0x0x2ab5ec96dbc0, dbid = 27, state = 0x2, status= 0xc, keep = 0, system task keep = 3, name = 'db'.
- Error 3914 messages flooded the errorlog.
- The ASE needs to be rebooted to stop the messages.
SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 16.0
SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 16.0
826137 CR826137 3914 house keeper , KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , Known Error
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