- When executing the RMA command "sap_status path", it fails to report the current status and state of HADR system.
- This occurs for all the node : Primary - Standby - DR
- Sample output
sap_status path
---------------------------- ----------------------------- ----------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Start Time 2022-01-29 13:28:58.086 Time command started executing.
Elapsed Time 00:00:00 Command execution time.
ABCPRIMARY Hostname XXXX01.YYYY.ext Logical host name.
ABCPRIMARY HADR Status Unknown Identify the primary and standby sites.
ABCPRIMARY Synchronization Mode Synchronous The configured Synchronization Mode value.
ABCPRIMARY Synchronization State Synchronous Synchronization Mode in which replication is currently operating.
ABCPRIMARY Distribution Mode Remote Configured value for the distribution_mode replication model property.
ABCPRIMARY Replication Server Status Active The status of Replication Server.
ABCDR Hostname XXXXDR.YYYY.ext Logical host name.
ABCDR HADR Status Unknown Identify the primary and standby sites.
ABCDR Synchronization Mode Asynchronous The configured Synchronization Mode value.
ABCDR Synchronization State Asynchronous Synchronization Mode in which replication is currently operating.
ABCDR Distribution Mode Local Configured value for the distribution_mode replication model property.
ABCDR Replication Server Status Active The status of Replication Server.
ABCSTANDBY Hostname XXXX02.YYYY.ext Logical host name.
ABCSTANDBY HADR Status Unknown Identify the primary and standby sites.
ABCSTANDBY Synchronization Mode Synchronous The configured Synchronization Mode value.
ABCSTANDBY Synchronization State Unknown Replication Synchronization Mode is currently operating as 'Unknown' instead of the configured value 'Synchronous'. Please refer to Replication Server logs for more details.
ABCSTANDBY Distribution Mode Remote Configured value for the distribution_mode replication model property.
ABCSTANDBY Replication Server Status Active The status of Replication Server.
ABCPRIMARY.ABCDR.ABC State Down Path is down and replication is not occurring due to an error.
ABCPRIMARY.ABCDR.ABC Failing Command Error Message Failing Command Error Message The DR Agent cannot connect to the database server on the ABCDR host.
ABCPRIMARY.ABCDR.ABC Additional Info Additional Info Path is suspended (Replication Agent Thread). Transactions are not being replicated.
ABCPRIMARY.ABCDR.ABC Latency Time Unknown No latency information for database 'ABC'.
ABCPRIMARY.ABCDR.ABC Latency Unknown No latency information for database 'ABC'.
ABCPRIMARY.ABCDR.ABC Commit Time Unknown No last commit time for the database 'ABC'.
ABCPRIMARY.ABCDR.ABC Distribution Path ABCSTANDBY The path of Replication Server through which transactions travel.
ABCPRIMARY.ABCDR.ABC Drain Status Not Applicable The drain status of the transaction logs of the primary database server.
ABCPRIMARY.ABCDR.master State Down Path is down and replication is not occurring due to an error.
ABCPRIMARY.ABCDR.master Failing Command Error Message Failing Command Error Message The DR Agent cannot connect to the database server on the ABCDR host.
ABCPRIMARY.ABCDR.master Additional Info Additional Info Path is suspended (Replication Agent Thread). Transactions are not being replicated.
ABCPRIMARY.ABCDR.master Latency Time Unknown No latency information for database 'master'.
ABCPRIMARY.ABCDR.master Latency Unknown No latency information for database 'master'.
ABCPRIMARY.ABCDR.master Commit Time Unknown No last commit time for the database 'master'.
ABCPRIMARY.ABCDR.master Distribution Path ABCSTANDBY The path of Replication Server through which transactions travel.
ABCPRIMARY.ABCDR.master Drain Status Not Applicable The drain status of the transaction logs of the primary database server.
ABCPRIMARY.ABCSTANDBY.ABC State Down Path is down and replication is not occurring due to an error.
ABCPRIMARY.ABCSTANDBY.ABC Failing Command Error Message Failing Command Error Message The DR Agent cannot connect to the database server on the ABCSTANDBY host.
ABCPRIMARY.ABCSTANDBY.ABC Additional Info Additional Info Path is suspended (Replication Agent Thread). Transactions are not being replicated.
ABCPRIMARY.ABCSTANDBY.ABC Latency Time Unknown No latency information for database 'ABC'.
ABCPRIMARY.ABCSTANDBY.ABC Latency Unknown No latency information for database 'ABC'.
ABCPRIMARY.ABCSTANDBY.ABC Commit Time Unknown No last commit time for the database 'ABC'.
ABCPRIMARY.ABCSTANDBY.ABC Distribution Path ABCSTANDBY The path of Replication Server through which transactions travel.
ABCPRIMARY.ABCSTANDBY.ABC Drain Status Not Applicable The drain status of the transaction logs of the primary database server.
ABCPRIMARY.ABCSTANDBY.master State Down Path is down and replication is not occurring due to an error.
ABCPRIMARY.ABCSTANDBY.master Failing Command Error Message Failing Command Error Message The DR Agent cannot connect to the database server on the ABCSTANDBY host.
ABCPRIMARY.ABCSTANDBY.master Additional Info Additional Info Path is suspended (Replication Agent Thread). Transactions are not being replicated.
ABCPRIMARY.ABCSTANDBY.master Latency Time Unknown No latency information for database 'master'.
ABCPRIMARY.ABCSTANDBY.master Latency Unknown No latency information for database 'master'.
ABCPRIMARY.ABCSTANDBY.master Commit Time Unknown No last commit time for the database 'master'.
ABCPRIMARY.ABCSTANDBY.master Distribution Path ABCSTANDBY The path of Replication Server through which transactions travel.
ABCPRIMARY.ABCSTANDBY.master Drain Status Not Applicable The drain status of the transaction logs of the primary database server.
ABCSTANDBY.ABCDR.ABC State Down Path is down and replication is not occurring due to an error.
ABCSTANDBY.ABCDR.ABC Failing Command Error Message Failing Command Error Message The DR Agent cannot connect to the database server on the ABCDR host.
ABCSTANDBY.ABCDR.ABC Additional Info Additional Info Path is suspended (Replication Agent Thread). Transactions are not being replicated.
ABCSTANDBY.ABCDR.ABC Latency Time Unknown No latency information for database 'ABC'.
ABCSTANDBY.ABCDR.ABC Latency Unknown No latency information for database 'ABC'.
ABCSTANDBY.ABCDR.ABC Commit Time Unknown No last commit time for the database 'ABC'.
ABCSTANDBY.ABCDR.ABC Distribution Path ABCPRIMARY The path of Replication Server through which transactions travel.
ABCSTANDBY.ABCDR.ABC Drain Status Unknown The drain status of the transaction logs of the primary database server.
ABCSTANDBY.ABCDR.master State Down Path is down and replication is not occurring due to an error.
ABCSTANDBY.ABCDR.master Failing Command Error Message Failing Command Error Message The DR Agent cannot connect to the database server on the ABCDR host.
ABCSTANDBY.ABCDR.master Additional Info Additional Info Path is suspended (Replication Agent Thread). Transactions are not being replicated.
ABCSTANDBY.ABCDR.master Latency Time Unknown No latency information for database 'master'.
ABCSTANDBY.ABCDR.master Latency Unknown No latency information for database 'master'.
ABCSTANDBY.ABCDR.master Commit Time Unknown No last commit time for the database 'master'.
ABCSTANDBY.ABCDR.master Distribution Path ABCPRIMARY The path of Replication Server through which transactions travel.
ABCSTANDBY.ABCDR.master Drain Status Unknown The drain status of the transaction logs of the primary database server.
ABCSTANDBY.ABCPRIMARY.ABC State Down Path is down and replication is not occurring due to an error.
ABCSTANDBY.ABCPRIMARY.ABC Failing Command Error Message Failing Command Error Message The DR Agent cannot connect to the database server on the ABCPRIMARY host.
ABCSTANDBY.ABCPRIMARY.ABC Additional Info Additional Info Path is suspended (Replication Agent Thread). Transactions are not being replicated.
ABCSTANDBY.ABCPRIMARY.ABC Latency Time Unknown No latency information for database 'ABC'.
ABCSTANDBY.ABCPRIMARY.ABC Latency Unknown No latency information for database 'ABC'.
ABCSTANDBY.ABCPRIMARY.ABC Commit Time Unknown No last commit time for the database 'ABC'.
ABCSTANDBY.ABCPRIMARY.ABC Distribution Path ABCPRIMARY The path of Replication Server through which transactions travel.
ABCSTANDBY.ABCPRIMARY.ABC Drain Status Unknown The drain status of the transaction logs of the primary database server.
ABCSTANDBY.ABCPRIMARY.master State Down Path is down and replication is not occurring due to an error.
ABCSTANDBY.ABCPRIMARY.master Failing Command Error Message Failing Command Error Message The DR Agent cannot connect to the database server on the ABCPRIMARY host.
ABCSTANDBY.ABCPRIMARY.master Additional Info Additional Info Path is suspended (Replication Agent Thread). Transactions are not being replicated.
ABCSTANDBY.ABCPRIMARY.master Latency Time Unknown No latency information for database 'master'.
ABCSTANDBY.ABCPRIMARY.master Latency Unknown No latency information for database 'master'.
ABCSTANDBY.ABCPRIMARY.master Commit Time Unknown No last commit time for the database 'master'.
ABCSTANDBY.ABCPRIMARY.master Distribution Path ABCPRIMARY The path of Replication Server through which transactions travel.
ABCSTANDBY.ABCPRIMARY.master Drain Status Unknown The drain status of the transaction logs of the primary database server.
- SAP Replication Server (SRS) 16.0 certified for Business Suite
- SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 16.0 with High Availability Disaster Recovery (HADR) for Business Suite
- SAP Replication Server (SRS) 16.0
- SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 16.0 with High Availability Disaster Recovery (HADR)
sap_status path fails, Password has expired , KBA , BC-SYB-REP , Sybase Replication Server (standalone) , BC-SYB-REP-SAP , Replication with SAP Suite / SAP BW , Problem
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