Symptom 1:
Preview Billing Document does not work for some DMR in app "Manage Debit Memo Requests".
The message shows: "You cannot preview the billing document for sales document XXXX".
Symptom 2:
Preview Billing Document does not work for the Billing Document Request (BDR) created in app "Manage Project Billing".
The message shows: "You cannot preview the billing document for sales document XXXX".
Or loading forever and then stops.
Or no any reaction after few minutes.
Reproducing the Issue
Symptom 1:
- Open app "Manage Debit Memo Requests"
- Select one document and click button Preview billing document
- The message shows in a new page:
"You cannot preview the billing document for sales document XXXX"
Symptom 2:
- Open app "Manage Project Billing"
- Submit the billing item to create BDR
- Click button Preview in the pop-up Success window
- The message shows in a new page:
"You cannot preview the billing document for sales document XXXX"
Or loading forever and then stops.
Or no any reaction after few minutes.
Besides the reason billing status might not be ready, another possible reason behind the system behavior is:
Not any print output item could be determined in the billing document.
Check the output determination for the billing document and make sure the print output item could be determined while the billing document is created.
v_o2c, 133, CL_O2C_BIL_SERVICES, GET_PRINT_PREVIEW_TRANSIENT, CL_APOC_OR_H_API, GET_NEWEST_PRINT_DOCUMENT, Manage Project Billing, loading forever, no reaction, preview , KBA , SD-BIL-GF-OC , Output Control Billing , SD-SLS , Sales , SD-BIL , Billing , SD-BIL-IV , Processing Billing Documents , SD-BIL-GF-OC-2CL , Output Control Billing (Public Cloud) , SD-FIO-SLS , Sales Apps , PPM-SCL-BIL , Project Billing (Public Cloud) , Problem