- SuccessFactors OData V2 Upsert operation fails due to the following error:
Caused by:org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.edm.EdmSimpleTypeException: The metadata do not allow a null value. in EntitySet <entityName>. The metadata do not allow a null value for property <propertyName> - SuccessFactors OData V2 Upsert operation fails due to encoded key property in the request payload as shown below.
Note that the '@' is encoded in the <id> and <link> tags of the request payload generated from SuccessFactors OData V2 adapter.
<feed xmlns="" xmlns:m="" xmlns:d="" xml:base="http://localhost:49675/odata/v2/">
<title type="text">User</title>
<link href="User" rel="self" title="User"/>
<title type="text">User</title>
<category term="SFOData.User" scheme=""/>
<link href="User('')" rel="edit" title="User"/>
<content type="application/xml">
SAP Integration Suite, SAP Cloud Integration
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Integration Suite, SAP Cloud Integration, SuccessFactors OData V2 receiver adapter, Upsert operation
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