There is no translation date field in Fiori App Create Supplier Invoice.
Reproducing the Issue
- Open Fiori App Create Supplier Invoice.
- No translation date could be found.
This is standard behavior.
Proposing logic for the exchange rate on the invoice.
- The system will check, whether there was a fixed exchange rate in the Purchase Order and will propose it.
- If the exchange rate was entered manually in the App Create Supplier Invoice(header), the system will take it.
- If an exchange rate was entered neither in the Purchase Order nor in the App Create Supplier Invoice, the system will propose the translation date, and calculate the exchange rate according to customizing set in Fiori App Currency Exchange Rates.
In this case the translation date will be the posting date of the invoice.
Sometimes, the translation date differs from posting date. Let me try to explain with an example how to generate a translation date that differs from the posting date.
- Start to enter an invoice with a posting date as 03.02.2022. The translation date (to determine the exchange rate) is automatically set to the same date 03.02.2022.
- Change the posting date to 01.02.2022.The translation date (to determine the exchange rate) is automatically set to the same date 01.02.2022.
- Till this moment user did not enter an item ( IMPORTANT).
- Now user enters an item. Now the translation date is fixed (01.02.2022) and the exchange rate is fixed as well.
- Then user changes again the posting date to 21.02.2022. As the translation date is fixed now, translation date is not changed and the exchange rate remains unchanged.
- Please note, up to now, the invoice was not posted - Now user posts the invoice and the exchange rate is not the exchange rate which fits to the posting date. After posting, the posting date is 21.02.2022 and the translation date is 01.02.2022.
See Also
Translation date, Create Supplier Invoice, F0859, Create Supplier Invoice - Advanced, MIRO, Exchange rate, Currency Exchange Rates, Posting date , KBA , MM-FIO-IV , Fiori UI for Invoice Verification , Problem