You are procuring a fixed asset via e.g. non-stock supplier invoice, however after posting the invoice, no fixed asset is created.
You ensured that:
- The Cost Assignment is IMAT - Individual Material
- The IMAT's product category is properly assigned to a fixed asset class.
- The invoice line item amount is above the capitalization threshold.
Nevertheless, the asset is not being created.
SAP Business ByDesign.
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to Supplier Invoicing work center.
- Go to Invoices and Credit Memos view.
- Open the respective invoice.
- Go to Document Flow.
- Open the resulting journal entry.
You notice that, even though the setup for fixed asset procurement is correct, no fixed assets got created.
The asset class to which the product category is assigned, is flagged as deactivated. Therefore, this asset class cannot be used for capitalization.
You can check the asset class deactivation as follows:
- Go to Business Configuration work center.
- Go to Implementation Projects view.
- Open the activity list.
- Find and open activity Fixed Asset Classes.
- On the screen that opens, click Asset Class deactivation.
See that the asset class assigned to the product category being used is flagged as deactivated.
You either need to make the asset class active again or change the product category assignment to a currently active fixed asset class.
Product Category. Expense Account. Fixed Asset subledger. Capitalization. Procurement. , KBA , SRD-FIN-FA , Fixed Assets , How To