Error "The session is invalid" occurs in AO.
Analysis for Microsoft Office
The error occurs whenever there is a timeout and Analysis Office is no longer able to reach the BI platform.
Set the AO setting BOESessionRefreshTime to less than an hour, for example 1200 (e.g. since the value is represented by seconds, it means 20 minutes). Refer to SAP KBA 2083067.
Note that a session expiring after many hours or days, is normal and intended behavior (by the server) and Analysis Office can not change the behavior.
If there is a timeout after many hours or days, and further guidance is required, create a ticket for SAP BI platform team (component BI-BIP-AUT).
See Also
General .NET Exception, Get resulted in exception, session, invalid, timeout, BOESessionRefreshTime , KBA , BI-RA-AO-XLA , Excel Addin , Problem