No data is fetched or the query cannot be executed on Interview related entities due to permissioning issue
SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting (RCM)
Reproducing the Issue
Execute a simple GET query on any Interview related entity (JobApplicationInterview or InterviewOverallAssesment or InterviewIndividualAssessment)
Result fetched will be blank
If the user has "OData API Create/Update Interview Central" permission, the user would be able to get all the Interview Data.
If the user don't have above permission, then only those records where the user is acting as an Interviewer would be fetched.
Grant the user executing the oDATA API query on Interview related entity the RBP permission "OData API Create/Update Interview Central"
1. Navigate to Admin Center-->Manage Permission Role
2. Select a role and click Permissions
3. Under Recruiting Permissions enable OData API Create/Update Interview Central
OData API Create/Update Interview Central, RBP Permission, Interview, oDATA API, JobApplicationInterview, InterviewOverallAssesment, InterviewIndividualAssessment , KBA , LOD-SF-RCM-API , Webservices & APIs , Problem