When you access the Adaptation Mode the queries "Opportunity Sales Team" - "Assigned to Department" - "Account Team" are set as visible, but from the User View they are not visible.
SAP Cloud for Customer
Reproducing the Issue
- Open the Visit Work center.
- Go to Route View
- Click at New.
- At Quick Create screen select Owner OVS (object value selector) field.
- Select the advanced search.
- Open the adaptation mode.
- Select the Queries presented in the Implementation layer.
- Notice that 3 queries are hidden: "Opportunity Sales Team" - "Assigned to Department" - "Account Team".
The visibility of the queries (defaultsets) in the Employee OVS (/BYD_COD/SalesOnDemand/Employee/UI/COD_Employees.OVS.uicomponent) depend from the inport parameter filled by the corresponding consumers:
- If the inport parameter OpportunityUUID is filled the query "Opportunity Sales Team" gets visible.
- If the inport parameter AssignedToOrgUnitUUID is filled the query "Assigned to Department" gets visible.
- If the inport parameter AccountUUID is filled the query "Account Team" gets visible.
In the Route Quick Create screen, in case none of these inport parameters is set therefore the three queries will be invisible and cannot be set to visible via adaptation (KUT/flex).
Opportunity Sales Team; Assigned to Department; Account Team; , KBA , LOD-CRM-EMP , Employee , How To