- In a running MSA or HADR system, 'dump database <db>' executed in the primary ASE causes the DIST tread to go down in SRS.
- Two different error messages can be reported in the SRS log:
- with dist_parallel ON:
ERROR #28050 WORKER( ) - neric/sub/sub_rsts.c(761)
Cannot find object <0xb47f0000d0cb73e3> in rs_objects.
delivery_seq:(ASE160.pdb) exit due to error while processing transaction ' '0000000000' 7Sm '0002' ASE160pdb '000000' f '00000000'', DIST is to be shutdown.
- with parallel_dist OFF:
ERROR #28053 DIST(102 ASE160.pdb) - neric/sub/sub_rsts.c(698)
Cannot find database <-469607584 > in rs_databases
- with dist_parallel ON:
SAP Replication Server (SRS) 16.0
SAP Replication Server 16.0
28050, 28053, src_status, CR826171, CR#826171, 826171 , KBA , BC-SYB-REP , Sybase Replication Server (standalone) , Known Error
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