While activating your custom solution in Cloud Applications Studio, one of the following error messages can be seen:
- Maximum length reached for BO 'ABC' node 'DEF'. Delete extension/KUT fields from other PDI solution for BO 'ABC' node 'DEF' (where 'ABC' refers to an SAP BO, and 'DEF' refers to the SAP BO node)
- Number of elements in the DEF node has reached the maximum limit. (where 'DEF' refers to the SAP BO node)
- SAP Cloud Applications Studio
- SAP Cloud for Customer
Reproducing the Issue
As a prerequisite you have previously:
- Created a custom add-on in Cloud Applications Studio.
- Created an extension of standard Business Object (.xbo).
- Created extension fields under some BO-Node combination.
- Attempted to activate your solution.
Case 1: Maximum length reached for BO 'ABC' node 'DEF'
Using PDI or KUT in any client, if you create fields on a standard BO node where the total length occupied by them is greater than or equal to 15000 bytes, the system displays an error message.
For example, in client ABC, in the ROOT node of ServiceRequest BO, KUT fields occupying 4000 bytes of length are created. In the same BO node, if there are already three PDI solutions having extension fields that occupy a length of 4000 bytes each, the system adds the lengths occupied by all the fields of the BO and displays an error message since the total length occupied by extension fields on the root node of ServiceRequest would now be more than 15000 bytes.
In the original solutions that do not have a patch in the system, this works differently as the system keeps a buffer of the fields that would be created in a patch. So, if the length occupied by the extension fields in the original solution exceeds half of the maximum limit (15000/2 = 7500), then the system throws an error during activation. The error message is displayed because the total length of the extension fields gets doubled when a patch is created.
Case 2: Number of elements in the 'DEF' node has reached the maximum limit OR Number of elements of BO 'ABC' node 'DEF' exceeds database limit
Using PDI or KUT in any client, if you create more than or equal to 744 extension fields in a standard BO node, the system displays an error message.
For example, in client ABC, in the ROOT node of SERVICE_REQUEST BO, 200 KUT fields are created. In the same BO node, if there are already three PDI solutions with 200 extension fields, the system adds all the fields for the BO and displays an error message.
In the original solutions that do not have a patch in the system, this works differently as it keeps a buffer of the fields that would be created in patch. So, if the extension fields limit in the original solution exceeds half of the maximum limit (744/2 = 372), then the system throws an error during activation. The error message is displayed because the extension fields get doubled when the patch is created.
For both cases, the solution can be to:
- Delete the PDI extension fields created for the same BO-NODE combination in the current solution that displays the error.
- Delete the KUT fields or extension fields from other PDI solutions created for the same BO-NODE combination.
- Delete the unused PDI solution created for the same BO-NODE combination.
In order to delete PDI extension fields from a previous patch version, you would need to create a Deletion Patch, please refer to the See Also section.
Please consider the below points:
- These limits are product limits that are set to ensure the correct functioning of the product, and to ensure the stability and consistency of the system, product and databases.
- The approach to continuously add hundreds of extension fields on a single BO-Node is not a sustainable model. This can lead to future issues while doing further enhancements and it could also affect the performance of the system.
- Please be careful of the size of the data types. For example, if you need to store a number which is probably 10-15 digits. Don’t use a data type of size 100 or 255. Each field adds to the overall count and each data type adds to the size of the table. Both have limits from a database perspective which we must respect.
- Once you reach/near a limit for a BO/Node, you can add a comment in the BODL file so that in future the developers of the custom solution are aware of the same.
- Key user extension fields (KUT) fields added via Adaptation Mode and PDI XBO extension fields for the same BO/Node combination share the same database table. The checks that are performed are for a combination of both types of fields.
See Also
SAP help document: Exceeding Extension Field Length Limit
SAP help document: Exceeding Extension Field Limit
SAP help document: Deletion Patch
PDI, SDK, maximum, length, reached, for, BO, number, of, elements, node , KBA , AP-RC-BDS-EXT , ByDesign Studio Extensibility , BC-DWB-REP-EXT , Extensibility , How To