A candidate is hired to EC from Onboarding and the personal email address is synced to EP.
As per KBA 2507071 - Employee Central - Email Info HRIS Sync , "Is Primary" is not considered by Email Address Sync Logic and only the "Business" Email Type will be synchronized by the Hard-Coded sync-mapping.
SAP SuccessFactors Onboarding
The HRIS sync logic of email during onboarding is different as the application need to send emails to candidates to participate in onboarding.
During Onboarding, no matter it is"Personal" or "Business" Email Type , the email with "Is Primary = Yes" would be synced to EP.
And the application would send email to the address in EP.
email, personal, business, sync, EP , KBA , LOD-SF-OBX-EC , Integration EC - MPH, Hire , Problem