The Segmentation Configuration Sanity Check reports some issues related to 'Visible but obsolete attributes ' - you are not sure about the consequences of the check result and any required action to be performed due to the check result.
Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental.
- SAP Marketing Cloud Edition
Reproducing the Issue
- Access the Segmentation Configuration app
- Observe that the Sanity Check reports some issues related to 'Visible but obsolete attributes'
The 'Visible but obsolete attributes' Sanity Check item determines attributes that are flagged as obsolete but still set to visibly in any Segmentation Object.
Opening the detailed view of the Sanity Check shows the affected attributes grouped by segmentation objects and data source alias - this also shows the successor data source and attribute.
SAP recommends to phase out the usage of obsolete attributes to avoid functional and performance issues. However, SAP will not remove obsolete attributes as long as they are in use, so having obsolete attributes in use in existing segmentation models or emails won't break anything, this won't cause any technical errors.
You can set the obsolete attribute to invisible from the segmentation configuration to prevent future usage. However please consider that once you set attributes to invisible in segmentation configuration, existing segments using these attributes cannot be edited any longer. Such usages will then come up in 'Used but invisible attributes'.
See Also
Any segmentation attribute might get obsolete during the life cycle. The reason is mainly functional reasons, or the availability of improved attributes. It might also happen that a data source as such can be flagged as obsolete, this is mainly for performance reasons - in that case all attributes of the data source become obsolete as well. This is documented in the following note:
2829852 - Obsolete data sources or attributes for segmentation objects in segmentation configuration
For more details about the Segmentation Configuration Sanity Check please also refer the online help:
Segmentation Configuration - Sanity Check
Please also refer to the following KBA created for the Sanity Check item 'Used but invisible attributes':
Segmentation Configuration, Sanity Check
Segmentierungskonfiguration, Prüfung
Configuration de segmentation, Contrôles , KBA , CEC-MKT-SEG , Segmentation , How To
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