Replication Server reports Warning #5185 after rematerializing a database:
User 'DR_admin' writes: '** HADR operation: sap_materialize finish, PRI, SEC, <SID>,'
User 'DR_admin' writes: '** Message: is completed' User 'DR_admin' writes: '*******************************************************************************'
WARNING #5185 DSI EXEC(107(3) PRE_SEC.<SID>) - generic/dsi/hqexec.c(6086) Row count mismatch for the command executed on 'PRE_SEC.<SID>'.
The command impacted 0 rows but it should impact 1 rows.(HQ Error): update SAPSR3."table1" set xxxxx...
A parallel transaction has failed in database 'PRE_SEC.<SID>'. The transaction will be executed individually.
(427): HQCPL: HQ execution exception occurred while applying to table [nil][nil]...
(429): HQCPL: HQ execution exception occurred while applying to table [nil][nil]...
A parallel transaction has failed in database 'PRE_SEC.<SID>'. The transaction will be executed individually.
A parallel transaction has failed in database 'PRE_SEC.<SID>'. The transaction will be executed individually.
WARNING #5185 DSI EXEC(107(4) PRE_SEC.<SID>) - generic/dsi/hqexec.c(6086) Row count mismatch for the command executed on 'PRE_SEC.<SID>'. The command impacted 0 rows but it should impact 1 rows.
- SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 16.0 with Always-on Option (HADR)
- SAP Replication Server (SRS) 16.0
SAP Replication Server 16.0
rematerialize, 5185, CR826114, CR#826114, 826114, sap_materialize , KBA , BC-SYB-REP-SAP , Replication with SAP Suite / SAP BW , Known Error
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