- ASE errorlog reports Error 3307 during transaction rollback.
- The affected spid cannot be rolled back and shows further Errors 21 & 6103.
- The spid cannot be terminated correctly and becomes a zombie spid with a record left in syslogshold table.
- As result the affected database, which can be a user db or tempdb, can no longer have its log truncated.
- Most notable ASE errorlog entries are shown below (A full example is attached in file KBA_3307_full_sequence.txt):
Error: 3307, Severity: 21, State: 1
Process 3125 was expected to hold logical lock on page 1577 in database tempdb for object #abc0103125f4cb1f4f0e, index number 2.
with a stack trace that includes these functions:
Further errors and messages:
Error: 21, Severity: 21, State: 1
WARNING - Fatal Error 3307 occurred at Mar 29 2022 5:26PM. Please note the error and time, and contact a user with System Administrator (SA) authorization.
Error: 3307, Severity: 21, State: 1
Process 3125 was expected to hold logical lock on page 1577 in database tempdb for object #abc0103125f4cb1f4f0e, index number 2.
Error while undoing log row in database 'tempdb'. Rid pageid = 2195748; row num = 45.
WARNING: Pss 0x0x000000028a638c48 found with open sdes. pspid 3125, psuid 1777, pcurdb 5, range entry 0, sdesp 0x0x0000000204293948, objid 1269680640.
... (same may be repeated for different tables)
WARNING: Pss 0x0x000000028a638c48 found with open sdes. pspid 3125, psuid 1777, pcurdb 5, system table entry 0, sdesp 0x0x000000020df23740, objid 8.
Error: 6103, Severity: 17, State: 1
Unable to do cleanup for the killed process; received Msg 3300.
WARNING: spid 3125 with suid 1777 and curdbid 5 has an active transaction in dbid 2 with xactid (2195748, 37).
- Dumping a user database in this state may fail on when on-lined with Error 631 on the same page as raised by Error 3307:
Error: 631, Severity: 21, State: 2
The length of 36 passed to delete row routine for the row at offset 1580 is incorrect on the following page of database 'TargetDBName': Page pointer = 0x0xa5d3e7000, pageno = 1577, status = 0x802, ptnid =
28001881, indexid = 2, level = 0, pnextrno = 51. The expected row length is 12848. The offset should be no greater than 1931.
SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 16.0 SP03 PL09
SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 16.0
CR 826179, 826179, CR# 826179, phantom, temporary, temp, #temp
, KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , How To
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