You are uploading a bank statement in format ISO20022 Bank Statement. Upon upload you are receiving the error 'An exception was raised'.
SAP Business ByDesign
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to the Liquidity Management Work Center.
- Go to the Bank Statements View.
- Click New and Bank Statement Upload.
- Provide necessary attributes as Company, Bank ID, Import Format.
- Select provided file in format ISO20022 Bank Statement and press Start File Upload.
An error shows as: Error in file processing, proprietary code XXXXXXXXX... exceeds length limits (KBA: 3150789).
The exception is raised due to the content char-length in field <BkTxCd> / <Prtry> / <Cd>.
The Proprietary Code <Prtry> is not a mandator field and and is reserved to contain proprietary identification of the bank transaction code, as defined by the issuer.
This can be provided along the Domain Code <Domn> which usually will tak precedence and presents the External Transaction code mapped in the Business Configuraiton / Automatically Generated Bank Statements.
The maximum content-length of the mapped field <Prtry> in SAP ByDesign is 8 char.
Content in this field exceeding 8 char will cause an error and raise the exception.
In such cases, for now we advise to get in contact with the issuer and request to limit the content of the Propriety Code <Prtry> field to maximum 8 characters.
ISO20022, Bank Statement, XML , KBA , AP-PAY-BS , Bank Statement , Known Error