You are trying to Add Products inside Survey Work Center, however when you try to start adaptation mode, a system exception error message will appear.
SAP Cloud for Customer
Reproducing the Issue
- Log in into C4C.
- Go to Survey Work center.
- Go to Surveys view.
- Select a Survey.
- In tab, go to Products.
- In top right corner, click on Simulation.
- Now, click on Add products on the bottom right-hand side of the page.
- Now try to Start adaptation.
- An exception error message will happen.
This Simulation tab UI is created using JavaScript. Only the UI created by SAP UI Designer can be taken into adaptation/personalization mode.
This is the current system expected behavior.
An alternative option may be to check the SAP Cloud for Customer Customer Influence to submit an idea:
adaptation, start adaptation, simulation, survey, add products, , KBA , AP-RC-UIF-FLX , Page Layout & Key User Configuration , How To
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