In Products facet within Sales Quotes, the External Note is cleared when the Account is changed.
SAP Cloud for Customer
Reproducing the Issue
- Navigate to Sales Workcenter.
- Go to Sales Quote view.
- Open any Sales Quote.
- Go to the Product facet.
- Add the product if not added and then Save.
- Now, click the Product line item.
- Click to Edit the Quote.
- Add any note into External Note box and Save.
- Change the Account/Customer for this Sales Quote and Save.
- You can see that the External Note will get cleared.
The External Note on Product/Item level in Sales Quotes is taken over from the sales note of the Product master data. This is defined per Sales Organization and Distribution Channel.
If you change the Sales Quote's Account, the system might determine a new Sales Organization and/or Distribution Channel for the quote. Changes in the Sales Quote's Sales Organization or Distribution Channel trigger a redetermination of the External Notes on Item level.
If there is no Sales Note defined in Product master data for the new Sales Organization and Distribution Channel, the system clears the External Item note in Sales Quote.
This is the current expected behavior of SAP Cloud for Customer.
External Note ; Disappears ; Cleared ; Account ; Product ; Item , KBA , LOD-LE-CQP , Customer Quote Processing , How To