SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3152229 - SAP Marketing Cloud - Navigation from Business Document to SAP Sales Cloud not working


You want to navigate from any Business Document, like an Appointment, a Lead or an Opportunity in the SAP Marketing Cloud Contact App to the source Document in Sales Cloud - the Navigation is not working as either no target URL is being identified or the wrong target URL is determined in case of multi C4C systems.

Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental.


SAP Marketing Cloud Edition

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Access the Interactions tab in the Contact Profile
  2. Try to Navigate from a Business Document to the source Document in C4C
  3. Observe that the Navigation is not working as the wrong Navigation URL is determined.


There might be some wrong configuration in place. The Navigation is controlled via Communication Scenario 'Scenario: Marketing - Presales/Sales UI Integration ' (SAP_COM_0045).

Make sure to have the communication arrangement for scenario SAP_COM_0045 maintained properly.


The Communication Scenario is determined based on the Target System Type and ID of the Business Document - the Interaction properties SourceSystemType and SourceSystem refer to the source System of the Business Document. Although there is some fallback solution implemented, please make sure to import the Business Document with the correct Source System. Especially in multi C4C scenarios this is important to get the right C4C system identified for the Navigation:

Further the Outbound Service 'UI Navigation to Presales/Sales UI' must be active and point to the right C4C tenant.

See Also

Please also refer to the online help:

Setting Up SAP Marketing Cloud Integration with SAP Cloud for Customer (1J9)

=> Communication system for SAP Cloud for Customer (UI Navigation)
=> Communication Arrangement SAP_COM_0045 for SAP Cloud for Customer (UI Navigation)


Business Document, Appointment, Activity, Lead, Opportunity
Marketing - Presales/Sales UI Integration, UI Navigation to Presales/Sales UI Marketing - UI-Integration Presales/Sales, UI-Navigation zu Presales/Sales UI
Geschäftsbeleg, Termin, Aktivität, Lead, Opportunity Marketing - Intégration UI avant-vente/vente, Navigation IU vers IU avant-vente/vente
Document commercial, Rendez-vous, Activité, Intérêt potentiel, Opportunité SAP_COM_0045 , KBA , CEC-MKT-DM-IA , Interaction , CEC-MKT-DM-CON-FAC , Contact/Account Factsheet , CEC-MKT-LM-TRA , Lead Transfer , CEC-MKT-DM-CON , Contact / Account UIs , Problem


SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition all versions