Alter table does not reflect new name on sys.sysidx.index_name for the Primary key index_category=1. It remains with the previous name. See:
create table mytabla ( i int not null , j int not null , primary key (i ))
select i.* from sys.sysidx i,systab t where t.table_id= i.table_id and t.table_name='mytabla' ;
table_id index_id object_id phys_index_id dbspace_id index_category unique index_name not_enforced file_id
---------- ---------- -------------------- ------------- ---------- -------------- ------ ----------------------- ------------ -------
115565 0 47728329 NULL 16387 1 2 mytabla N 16387
115565 1 47728330 NULL 16387 3 4 ASIQ_IDX_T115565_C1_FP N 16387
115565 2 47728331 NULL 16387 3 4 ASIQ_IDX_T115565_C2_FP N 16387
115565 3 47728332 NULL 16387 3 2 ASIQ_IDX_T115565_I3_HG N 16387
alter table mytabla rename tuTabla ;
select i.* from sys.sysidx i,systab t where t.table_id= i.table_id and t.table_name='tutabla' ;
table_id index_id object_id phys_index_id dbspace_id index_category unique index_name not_enforced file_id
---------- ---------- -------------------- ------------- ---------- -------------- ------ ------------------------ ------------ -------
115565 0 47728329 NULL 16387 1 2 mytabla N 16387
115565 1 47728330 NULL 16387 3 4 ASIQ_IDX_T115565_C1_FP N 16387
115565 2 47728331 NULL 16387 3 4 ASIQ_IDX_T115565_C2_FP N 16387
115565 3 47728332 NULL 16387 3 2 ASIQ_IDX_T115565_I3_HG N 16387
SAP IQ 16.0 and higher
rename index primary key sys.sysidx.index_name SYSIDX alter table alter index , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , How To
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