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3154494 - Error: "NODE_KEY_NOT_FOUND" triggered while running report RCWB_TCI_DIGITSIGN_AUTOMATION in SE38


While executing the report RCWB_TCI_DIGITSIGN_AUTOMATION in SE38, below dump occurs:

Category               ABAP programming error
Runtime Errors         RAISE_EXCEPTION
ABAP Program           CL_ALV_TREE_BASE==============CP
Application Component  BC-SRV-ALV
Date and Time          20.01.2022 06:58:14 (CET)
|Short Text                                                                                        |
|    Exception condition "NODE_KEY_NOT_FOUND" triggered                                            |
|What happened?                                                                                    |
|    The current ABAP program has encountered an unexpected situation.                             |


|Error analysis                                                                                    |
|    A RAISE statement in program "CL_ALV_TREE_BASE==============CP" has raised                    |
|     exception condition "NODE_KEY_NOT_FOUND".                                                    |
|    Since the exception was not caught by a program higher up in the call                         |
|    hierarchy, processing was terminated.                                                         |
|                                                                                                  |
|    Short text for exception condition:                                                           |
|    You can find detailed documentation about the exception condition in                          |
|    transaction SE37 (Function Library). You can find the name of the                             |
|    function module called from the display of active calls.                                      |



SAP_BASIS 755 and above


RCWB_TCI_DIGITSIGN_AUTOMATION, SE38, report, Exception, NODE_KEY_NOT_FOUND, triggered, CL_ALV_TREE_BASE==============CP, RAISE_EXCEPTION, SNOTE, Note Assistant, Digitally Signed Note, Configuration , KBA , BC-UPG-NA , Note Assistant , Known Error

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