When you search in the Contact OWL for country/regions, for example for country codes AT and DE, you also get results for other country/regions. For example you get Azerbaijan and Italy as results.
SAP Cloud for Customer
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to the Customers work center
- Go to the Contacts view
- Go to the Advanced Search
- Filter the country/region field with: AT and DE (as example)
- Observe: The result list shows further countries such as: Azerbaijan, Italy (as example)
Contacts in the wrong country/region have multiple "is contact person for" relationships with an AT address. Open the contact and check the Relationships tab and the Address column.
The search is performed in all "is contact person for" relationships via the contact owl country/region advanced find field. Thus these contacts are found while searching for AT.
Add the field "main account" to the advanced find and set it to true if you only want to search in the default "is contact person for" relationship.
Advanced search, Contact, country/region, Relationship, Address , KBA , LOD-CRM-CON , Contact , Problem