You noticed a table update for AGR_FLAGS with FLAG_TYPE = COLL_AGR for a specific role.
The corresponding change document for the same role and timestamp displays 'START_REPORT' as responsible program in column 'TCode'.
The fact that the responsible user has no authorization for transaction START_REPORT can lead to audit questions.
SAP_BASIS | 700 | 702 |
SAP_BASIS | 711 | 711 |
SAP_BASIS | 730 | 730 |
SAP_BASIS | 731 | 731 |
SAP_BASIS | 740 | 740 and subsequent |
SAP NetWeaver all versions
agr_flags, coll_agr, PRGN_GET_COLLECTIVE_AGR_FLAG, PRGN_SHOW_EDIT_AGR, START_REPORT , KBA , BC-SEC-AUT-PFC , ABAP Authorization and Role Administration , Problem
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