When using 'SQL Consumer' operator query Oracle database, if there is any column of 'timestamp' type in the source table, graph fails with error:
Group: default; Messages: Graph failure: structuredfileproducer1 failed with the following error:
RUN-051015: You cannot select directly from timestamp column . Using a timestamp column in SQL transform may cause this error. See documentation.DBS-054003: |Reader SQL SELECT query failed. The database error message is . Using a timestamp column in SQL transform may cause this error. See documentation.>. SELECT query <*****> failed. The database error message is <*****>. DBS-054003: |Reader SQL SELECT query failed. The database error message is . Using a timestamp column in SQL transform may cause this error. See documentation.>. | error with process "":
Process(es) terminated with error(s). restartOnFailure==false
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KBA , CA-DI , Data Intelligence , How To
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