System displays below error in Web Service Message Monitoring for inbound interface: OutboundDeliveryExecutionIn and you want to know why.
Agent CL_APDL_ODP_OUTDELEXECCONF_PAI has triggered a fatal error
SAP Business ByDesign
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to the Application and User Management work center
- Go to the Web Service Message Monitoring view.
- Filter by All
- You see a message as Application Error for operation:OutboundDeliveryExecutionIn
- Error Text: Please see Application Info section in the dump for more details.
- Detailed Error Text: Agent CL_APDL_ODP_OUTDELEXECCONF_PAI has triggered a fatal error
- Here you can find many message IDs which is with application error.
The accounting period for the month/period is closed.Additionally, this issue also occurs when there is insuffcient stock for the required product at external site.
- Go to General Ledger workcenter.
- Go to Set of Books and Assigned Companies view
- Naviagte to Open and close periods
- Here check if respective period is blocked.
- Open the respective accounting period
- Once it is done, restart the message with error in Web service Monitoring view.
See Also
Agent CL_APDL_ODP_OUTDELEXECCONF_PAI has triggered a fatal error, , KBA , web service message monitoring , outbounddeliveryexecutionin , open and close periods , cl_apdl_odp_outdelexecconf_pai , AP-XPS-DLP , Delivery Processing , Problem