SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3157389 - Customer Merge Does Not Consider Transactional Document Such As Quote


After a successful customer merge you see that not a transactional documents (for example a sales quote) is still assigned to the previous account or prospect.


SAP Cloud for Customer


When a transaction is closed it won't be touched by the merge, so for example if the quote is closed/completed, it won't be merged.


You can check this manually: if you cannot change the respective party manually via UI, the customer merge will not be able to change it, either.

Please check the setup for your business partner merge.

What error is listed in the merge log?

This log should explain why a transaction has not been changed.

See the documentation in the respective BC FT scoping for the customer merge.

See Also

  • SAP Help Portal: Customer Merge
  • KBA 2458963 - Status Merge Completed - Realignment Failed When Merging Two Customers


Business partner, Customer Merge, sales quote, account, prospect , KBA , LOD-LE-CQP , Customer Quote Processing , How To


SAP Cloud for Customer add-ins all versions ; SAP Cloud for Customer core applications 2202