You have created a custom calculated key figure, however when you use it in a report you notice that it shows NONEX instead of the expected values.
- SAP Cloud for Customer
- SAP Business byDesign
This can happen in the following scenario:
You are using the options %CT or %GT in your key figure formula. You are also using a a matrix table, i.e. characteristics in both rows and columns.
%CT and %GT indicate how high the percentage amount is with regard to the result. Result here means the result of the aggregation at the next-highest level (intermediate result).
When you have a flat table, i.e. characteristics in the rows and key figures in the columns, the aggregation is quite simple - it happens based on the chosen characteristics and their order in the rows. However when you have a matrix, i.e. characteristics in both rows and columns, the aggregation is more complex and the system aggregates across rows and columns.
Unfortunately the percentage cannot be calculated using %CT / %GT in a matrix. If you would like to use this option in the key figure calculation, please use a flat table.
key figure, nonex, custom calculation, formula, percentage, business analytics , KBA , AP-RC-ANA , C4C, ByD, Travel: Analytics Tools & Frameworks , How To