SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3159946 - Exception "Index: -5" when opening the Value Help (F4) in a new line input ready cell in AO


The exception "Index: -5" occurs when opening the Value Help (F4) in a new line input ready cell in Analysis Office.

The trace of Analysis Office (refer to SAP Note 2129389) contain the following entries:
index: -5
 bali.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException.<init>(Unknown Source)
 bali.util.ArrayList.get(Unknown Source) Source) Source) Source) Source) Source) Source) Source)<OnAction>b__5_0(Unknown Source) Source) Source)
 cli.Com.Sap.Cof.Framework.Utilities.WindowsApi.DefSubclassProc(Unknown Source)
 cli.Com.Sap.Cof.Framework.Utilities.WindowsApi.DefSubclassProc(Unknown Source)
 cli.Com.Sap.Ao.BiControls.Subclassing.SubclassedNativeWindow.DefWndProc(Unknown Source)
 cli.Com.Sap.Ao.BiControls.Subclassing.SubclassedWindowMessageListener.Com.Sap.Ao.BiControls.Subclassing.ISubclassedWindowMessageListener.WndProcHandler(Unknown Source)
 cli.Com.Sap.Ao.BiControls.Subclassing.SubclassedNativeWindow.Callback(Unknown Source)


SAP Analysis for Microsoft Office


The Analysis Office is using the new line mode but the parameter BICS_NEW_LINE_CHECK_ENABLED is not set to X in RSADMIN table.


Set the RSADMIN parameter BICS_NEW_LINE_CHECK_ENABLED to X in order to enable the new line check mode in the backend. Refer to SAP Notes 2844345 and 2804461.

See Also

SAP Note 2804461 - Analyis Office: Exception "index: -5" is thrown when entering values in new lines using value help

SAP Note 2844345 - Analysis Office: Inconsistent behavior if RSADMIN parameter BICS_NEW_LINE_CHECK_ENABLED is set to blank or not existing

SAP Note 2508938 - BICS: New line check service and master data planning (ABAP)


new line, f4 help, member, question mark, error, index 5 , KBA , BI-RA-AO-XLA , Excel Addin , Problem


SAP Analysis for Microsoft Office all versions