Is it possible to send an automatic email notification to a Collaboration Hub user, when they are mentioned in a comment? This would be important for users who do not sign in to Signavio very often.
A suggestion would be as follows;
- Collaboration Hub user is mentioned in a comment of any process, or
- Comment is made in a model which was “starred” by Collaboration Hub User.
- Email Notification is sent to respective Collaboration Hub user. The email contains the link to the process (Collaboration Hub).
- The user can opt out the same way as with notifications in the Collaboration Hub.
This idea hasn't been implemented, and has been forwarded to our Product Managers as a Feature Request.
If you like this idea, please register your interest by creating a ticket in the Signavio Support portal, referencing this knowledge base article.
We'd also like your business case, so we can better understand the needs of our customers.
KBA , BPI-SIG-CA-COM , Commenting for SAP Signavio , BPI-SIG-HUB , SAP Signavio Process Collaboration Hub , Product Enhancement