While managing access rights using the limit function, if a mistake is made, or the Admininstrator clicks on the wrong option, the changes are automatically saved. Significant effort is then required to undo those mistakes.
For example, suppose there are 10 subfolders in a folder in the Shared Documents structure. If a mistake was made, then the entire folder structure needs to be re-examined, so as to reverse the limit action. Then the access rights limit action needs to be redone; this takes a significant amouont of effort.
Can the actions performed by the access rights limit function be undone?
This idea hasn't been implemented, and has been forwarded to our Product Managers as a Feature Request.
If you like this idea, please register your interest by creating a ticket in the Signavio Support portal, referencing this knowledge base article.
We'd also like your business case, so we can better understand the needs of our customers.
KBA , BPI-SIG-CA-SEC-UM-AM , Access Management for SAP Signavio , Product Enhancement