SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3169564 - Data Source Report not returning any records except the Invoice Type : Customer Invoice


Data Source Report not returning any records except the Invoice Type: Customer Invoice



Reproducing the Issue

  1. Open the work centre Business Analytics and select the view Data Sources
  2. Search for the Data Source Customer Invoice Item (CRMCIVIB) and click Preview
  3. In the Selection tab navigate to the field Invoice Type and enter 005 for customer invoice
  4. Click Apply

There are no results returned, despite the customer having many Invoices of  Invoice type: Credit Memo


All invoice documents for example, Credit Memo, are maintained as an invoice type so the search will always be looking for an invoice (code 28). This is why no results are returned when using 005.


You should be using the Processing Type field when trying to select specific invoice document types, such as Credit Memos.


Under the 'Processing Type' field, you can use the input help to find the invoice document type.


Data Source Report, Invoice Type, no records, processing type field , KBA , SRD-CRM-INV , Customer Invoicing , Problem


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