SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3169856 - Extension Fields Are Not Supported in the output XML When Output Channel is XML


You created some extension fields on sales order and extended them into Sales Order Confirmation template in the Further Usage. However, these extension fields are not available in the Sales Order Confirmation output XML if they were sent by XML.


SAP Business ByDesign.

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to the Sales Orders work center.
  2. Go to the Sales Orders view.
  3. Open the order ABC001, in the Output History tab, the Send By is XML. Click View XML you are able to check the detailed output XML. The extension fields are empty there. 
  4. However, if you open another sales order ABC002 which exact the same order but sent by E-Mail, the output XML shows the expected extension fields value.

(ABC001, ABC002 represent the sales order IDs.)


Extension fields are not supported in A2A/B2B scenarios.

The extnesion fields are extended to MSG Type APCRM_FORM_PURCHASE_ORDER_CONF vie further usage.
In the B2B/A2A scenario, however system expects the MSG type APCRM_MT_PO_CONFIRMATION which is not extended.


This is however the current system behavior.  If you need the feature provided by SAP, it has to be submitted in the product influence.

SAP Business ByDesign Customer Influence:


extension fields; A2A/B2B; output XML; PurchaseOrderConfirmation; Purchase Order; Sales Order; Intercompany; Sales Order Confirmation; Sales Order Inbound (SAP ESD); Purchase Order Integration; Sales Order Integration; ESD; EDI; EDX; II_APCRM_SO_ORDER_IB , KBA , AP-SLO-SO , Sales Order , Problem


SAP Business ByDesign all versions