In SAP Invoice Management by Open Text, you are also using the OpenText OCR application. You observed that the download of vendor data to the OCR database is not working properly, due the high number of Company Codes (CC) and data sets per CC. The download function is impacting the performance of your SAP System. Additionally, several SAP Server profile parameters needed to be changed to very high values, due to extremly high memory consumption on SAP Server side. This is not acceptable.
- abap/heap_area_nondia - 20000000000 (old) --> 40000000000 (new)
- abap/heap_area_dia - 20000000000 (old) --> 40000000000 (new)
- ABAP/HEAPLIMIT - 150000000 (old) --> 300000000 (new)
An optimization of the used function module is absolutely mandatory and should be delivered a.s.a.p.
SAP Invoice Management by Open Text
vendor list, /OPT/DOWNLOAD_VENDOR_DATA_N, high memory consumption , KBA , XX-PART-OPT-INV , SAP Invoice Management by OpenText , Problem
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