SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3170339 - Name Menu > Settings > Proxy > Become Proxy > Application Error - PLT


When performing proxy function through Name Menu > Settings > Proxy, the page throws an error of "You don't have permission to access this page."


SAP SuccessFactors platform 2111

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Navigate to Name Menu > Settings > Proxy
  2. Click Become Proxy
  3. Select the user to proxy
  4. Click Go


Proxy right for Home Page Tab is not granted to the proxy. This is needed because when navigating to Name Menu > Settings, the page loads back to the Home Page.


  1. In Action Search, enter Proxy Management
  2. Go to Make Assignments section
  3. Under Grant Proxy section,
    1. Populate Who will act as the proxy(username)
    2. Populate What account holder will the proxy act on behalf of (username)
  4. Under Grant Proxy rights,
    1. Mark the Home Page Tab checkbox
    2. Select Start Date and End Date (if necessary)
  5. Click Save


name, menu, name menu, proxy, settings, become, become proxy, error, application error, permission, you don't have permission to access this page, , KBA , LOD-SF-PLT-RBP , Role Based Permissions , Problem


SAP SuccessFactors platform 2111