Ariba Buyer, on-premise edition all versions ; Ariba Contract Management, on-premise edition all versions ; Ariba Sourcing, on-premise edition all versions ; Ariba Spend Analysis, on-premise edition all versions
[Change Request ID: P9R2-3139] , KBA , migration source: knowledge@ariba , migrated on: 2022-04-02 15:58:38 , 9r2 sp21 , p9r2-3139 , BNS-ARI-ONP-ANL , On-Premise - Ariba Analysis , BNS-ARI-ONP-CON , On-Premise - Ariba Contracts Management , BNS-ARI-ONP-SRC , On-Premise - Ariba Sourcing , BNS-ARI-ONP-BUY , On-Premise - Ariba Buyer , Product Enhancement
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