The following error happens in the SAP Integration Suite, Managed Gateway for Spend Management and SAP Business Network (Managed Gateway)'s Transaction Tracker when sending SourcingMasterDataImport transactions:
Transimission failed with the error FAILED while posting to customer ANXXXXXXXXXXXX - RealmName:XXXXX target system with HTTP ResponseCode:500.. Suggested Action : Connectivity to target system failed. Common HTTP resonses and suggestive actions.500 (Internal Server Error)-> Check in the target system for exact nature of request failure.400-4XX (Authentication Issue)-> check target system provided valid authentication details.ErrorCode:CIG-PLT-04640.Please review the Support Note 189493( for solution.
HTTP 500 , KBA , BNS-ARI-CI-MD , Managed Gateway for Master Data , BNS-ARI-CI-MD-BUY , Managed Gateway for Procurement Master Data , BNS-ARI-CI-MD-SRC , Managed Gateway for Sourcing - Master Data , Known Error
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