SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3182529 - [H1 2022] Password-related settings of the login account for multiple employment - SuccessFactors Platform


  • How to Manage Password settings of Login Account in Multiple employment?
  • Starting H1 2022 is it possible to update password-related settings of the login account while changing the login account from Manage Login Account page?

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SAP SuccessFactors HXM Suite

Reproducing the Issue

Admin Center  -> Manage Login Accounts -> Change Login Account ( for users who has multiple employments) 


When you switch login accounts, you can now  Update password-related settings of the login account accordingly from H1 2022 release.

You can do so under Admin Center  -> Manage Login Accounts.

What's Changed and How it Looks now:

How it Looked Before:

Option1 : Leave Update the password-related settings of the login account accordingly unchecked

Note : This option is unchecked by default. If this option is left unchecked, system keeps current behavior.

Results : 

•Account-related information, such as login name, login method, login locale, and so on, is updated.
•Authentication-related information, such as password, password expiration date, and last login fail date, and so on, remains unchanged.
•The person receives a change account e-mail when the update completes.


•In a multiple-employment scenario, a person has two employments: Employment 1 (username 1 and password 1)
•Employment 2 (username 2 and password 2)
•If you change the login account of this person from employment 1 to employment 2, the account-related information is updated to employment 2. The authentication-related information remains with employment 1.
•As a result, the person can log in the system using either username 2 (password 1) or username 1 (password 1).

Option2 : Enable/Check  Update the password-related settings of the login account accordingly

Results : 

•Account-related information, such as login name, login method, login locale, and so on, is updated.
•Authentication-related information, such as password, password expiration date, and last login fail date, and so on, is updated.
•The person receives a change account e-mail when the update completes.


•In a multiple-employment scenario, a person has two employments :Employment 1 (username 1 and password 1)
•Employment 2 (username 2 and password 2)
•If you change the login account of this person from employment 1 to employment 2, the account and authentication-related information is updated to employment 2.
•As a result, the person can log in the system using either username 2 (password 2) or username 1 (password 1).

We delivered this enhancement to make it easier to manage login accounts for multiple employments

See Also

2859043 - Manage Login Accounts tool


Manage Login Accounts ,Password setting for multiple employments,  PLA-28235 , H1 2022 Enhancements  to Manage login Accounts , KBA , LOD-SF-PLT-MLA , Manage Login Accounts , Product Enhancement


SAP SuccessFactors HXM Suite 2205