This SAP Knowledge Base Article aims to clarify questions about the Nota Técnica 2021.004 related to the electronic invoice solution for Brazil.
This documentation will be updated with the main SAP Notes, future changes and known issues.
- A - Availability of this NF-e Technical Note 2021.004 Solution
- B - Announcements and Blog Posts
- C - SAP Notes
- D - Known Issues
Date | Last information updated |
June 19, 2023 | Created topic D.10 |
- SAP ERP (software component SAP_APPL 600) onwards
- SAP S/4HANA OnPremise 1709 (software component S4CORE 102) onwards
NT2021.004, Legal Change, 2021004, NF, NF-e, Brazil, TN, NT, Nota Técnica, Vehicle Usage, Vehicle Type, Espécie de Veículo, Tipo de Veículo, Tipo do Ato Concessório, Grupo de observações de uso livre para o item, Fisco, Contribuinte, UDO, DDIC, Brazil, Brasil, localization, localização , KBA , nt2021.004 , legal change , 2021004 , nf , nf-e , tn , nota técnica , nt , vehicle usage , vehicle type , espécie de veículo , tipo de veículo , tipo do ato concessório , fisco , contribuinte , udo , ddic , brazil , localization , localização , brasil , FI-LOC-NFE-BR-OUT , Outbound , XX-CSC-BR-NFE , Use FI-LOC-NFE-BR-OUT , XX-CSC-BR-SD , Use FI-LOC-SD-BR , LOD-LH-NFE , SAP Document and Reporting Compliance, Outbound Nota Fiscal , CA-GTF-CSC-EDO-BR , SAP Document and Reporting Compliance, Inbound Nota Fiscal , FI-LOC-NFE-BR-IN , GRC NF-e Inbound Automation , FI-LOC-SD-BR , Brazil , SLL-NFE , Nota Fiscal Electronica (NFe) , XX-CSC-BR-NFEIN , Use FI-LOC-NFE-BR-IN , Bug Filed
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