You experience a "Master's transaction file or index is corrupt" error popup when trying to import files using MDM Import Manager client.
Checking the MDS logs you can see DB connectivity errors such as the example below (for SQLServer DB):
08/02/2022 01:18:57.390 OLEDB error on *\*/*_m000 from statement: sp_tables @table_name='A2i[_]CM[_]Schema[_]Versions', @table_type = ['TABLE']
08/02/2022 01:18:57.391 ErrorRecord->HResult/NativeErr: 0x80004005/0
Description: Connection failure
Source/File/Line: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server/D:\701\w\9elb1ilov0\Database\A2iDbConnection\OLEDB_DBConnection.cpp/2440
SAP NetWeaver Master Data Management 7.1
database DBase connectivity master/slave , KBA , MDM-FN-IMP-CLT , Windows Clients , MDM-FN-MDS-DB , DB Layer , Problem
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