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3192779 - SAP Web Dispatcher trace reports error with unicode


Post WDP upgrade, WDP fails to startup, in WDP trace, below error reported in startup stage:

[Thr ...] CCMS: SemInit: Semaphore 38 initialized by AlAttachShm_Ext.
[Thr ...] *** ERROR => Attaching to monitoring segment which exists but has wrong eyecatch [alxxcore.c 3097]
[Thr ...] *** ERROR => CCMS monitoring segment seems to be created as non-unicode segment. [alxxcore.c 3104]
[Thr ...] *** ERROR => This program runs as unicode. Please use non-unicode version [alxxcore.c 3105]
[Thr ...] *** ERROR => CCMS: AlAttachShm_Ext: failing AlInitHeader returned 245. [alxxappl.c 2494]
[Thr ...] *** ERROR => CCMS: AlCreateAttachShm_Ext: failing AlAttachShm_Ext returned 245. [alxxappl.c 1268]
[Thr ...] *** ERROR => CCMS: unable to connect to montoring segment of application server! [alxxappl.c 1154]
[Thr ...] *** ERROR => IcmAlInit: AlInit_R3Kernel_AS failed (rc=249) [icxxalrt.c 246]
[Thr ...] *** ERROR => Alerting error 249: CCMS monitoring segment has wrong eyecatch. It seems to be created as non-unicode segment.
This program runs as unicode. Please use non-unicode version [icxxalrt.c 249]



 SAP Web Dispatcher




KBA , BC-CST-WDP , Web Dispatcher , Problem

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