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3193291 - ORA-12545 or TNS-12545 due to network port range - NetWeaver


ORA-12545 or TNS-12545 error occurs when connecting database server.
And SQL*Net client trace error:

(1773845760) [16-NOV-2021 00:45:44:122] nttcni: Tcp conn timeout = 60000 (ms)
(1773845760) [16-NOV-2021 00:45:44:122] nttcni: TCP Connect TO enabled. Switching to NB
(1773845760) [16-NOV-2021 00:45:44:122] nttctl: entry
(1773845760) [16-NOV-2021 00:45:44:122] nttctl: Setting connection into non-blocking mode
(1773845760) [16-NOV-2021 00:45:44:122] nttcni: trying to connect to socket 8.
(1773845760) [16-NOV-2021 00:45:44:146] ntt2err: entry
(1773845760) [16-NOV-2021 00:45:44:146] ntt2err: soc 8 error - operation=1, ntresnt[0]=515, ntresnt[1]=99, ntresnt[2]=0
(1773845760) [16-NOV-2021 00:45:44:146] ntt2err: exit
(1773845760) [16-NOV-2021 00:45:44:146] nttcni: exit
(1773845760) [16-NOV-2021 00:45:44:146] nttcon: exit
(1773845760) [16-NOV-2021 00:45:44:146] nserror: entry
(1773845760) [16-NOV-2021 00:45:44:146] nserror: nsres: id=0, op=65, ns=12545, ns2=12560; nt[0]=515, nt[1]=99, nt[2]=0; ora[0]=0, ora[1]=0, ora[2]=0
(1773845760) [16-NOV-2021 00:45:44:146] nsopen: unable to open transport



Oracle on Linux


unable to open transport, nsopen, ORA-12545, TNS-12545, ntt2err , KBA , BC-DB-ORA , Oracle , Problem

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