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3193423 - Activating ADSO or activating data in an ADSO fails with message "inserted value too large for column"


When activating an ADSO or when activating a Request in an ADSO, the activation fails with below error messages:

"Could not activate in step SAP HANA optimized activation"

"Serious error occurred: inserted value too large for column: TrexColumnUpdate failed on table <table_name> with error: AttributeEngine: indexed value not within specified range;check [...]"

"[...] transaction rolled back by an internal error: failed to activate dso with persisted changelog:  [410 02] inserted value too large"

"Error during in-memory activation (see long text)"

This can occur sporadically or can be a persistent error, specially if you upgraded your system recently (either BW or HANA). There is a chance for this error to happen during DTP execution as well.






SAP BW/4HANA all versions ; SAP HANA, platform edition 2.0


inserted value too large for column, HANA optimized activation, indexed value not within specified range, fail ed to activate dso with persisted changelog, inserted value too lar, Error during in-memory activation, [410 02] , KBA , BW4-ME-ADSO , DataStore Object (Advanced) , HAN-DB , SAP HANA Database , BW4-DM-ADSO , DataStore Object (Advanced) , Problem

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