- Sometimes SDI task failed with error through HiveAdapter remote source
- The error won't happen to a specific flowgraph, it failed randomly on different flowgraph
- For all the failed execution, the duration for the execution is 2401 or 2402 seconds. Other duration less that 2400 seconds finished successfully
- From DP agent framework.trc file, we can see the following error.
DPFramework | - AH(***): Failed to queue async object - From Hive Server, there is no error and seems the execution is still processing when there is "timeout" error in SDI task monitor
- From indexserver trace, error: "AdapterManager.cpp(***) : ::sendMessage: Prefetch timed out"
SAP HANA smart data integration 2.0
SDI, hiveadapter, execution fail, randomly, timeout, timed out , KBA , HAN-DP-SDI , SAP HANA smart data integration (SDI) , Problem
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