While performing an upgrade, SUM stops at phase MAIN_SHDRUN/SQLDB_MODEFLAG_J_DBAL.
SAPupConsole.log points to SQLSTMTSTD.OUT trace, and when opening it, you can see entries similar to the following:
EXECUTING /.../SUM/abap/bin/SAPuptool execdb ../var/SQLDBSCRIPT.SQL
Logging to '/.../SUM/abap/log/SQLDBSCRIPT.OUT'
1EETQ008 Error message: DBSL_CMD_DBCA_PTR_GET failed with 20
1EETQ003 exit code: "20"
SAPup> Process with PID X terminated with status 20 at YYYYMMDDHHmmss!
SAPup> Starting subprocess with PID X in phase 'SQLDB_MODEFLAG_J_DBAL' at YYYYMMDDHHmmss
SAP NetWeaver - All releases
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Update, Conversion, SUM, SQLDBSCRIPT , KBA , BC-UPG-TLS-TLA , Upgrade tools for ABAP , Problem
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