SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3195530 - You Can Add a Same Competitor More than Once in an Opportunity


Inside an opportunity, in its 'Competitors' view, you can add a same competitor more than once, the system does not hinder you of doing it or show any message informing you.


SAP Cloud for Customer

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to the Sales work center.
  2. Open the Opportunities work center view.
  3. Open opportunity ABC (where ABC is the ID of an opportunity).
  4. Go to the Competitors view.
  5. Click in the Add button.
  6. Enter competitor DEF (where DEF is the ID of a competitor).
  7. Click in the Add button.
  8. Enter competitor DEF again.
  9. Save it.

No message blocks you or informs you of the duplicate entries.


You can enter as many identical instances for the same party role as you want. This logic is applied for all party roles (competitor is a party role).


This is the current system standard behavior. If the feature/functionality is required urgently, please refer to KBA 3475641 - Functionality Currently not Available.


Competitor ; Competitors ; Opportunity ; Opportunities ; Duplicate ; Twice ; Same ; Double ; , KBA , AP-RC-GEN-PAP , Party Processing , LOD-CRM-CMP , Competitor , How To


SAP Cloud for Customer add-ins all versions