SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3202766 - Error getChildrenFailed for remote tables - SAP Datasphere


Import of Remote Tables using ABAP based source system connections like  SAP BW/SAP ABAP/ SAP ECC/SAP S/4HANA On-Premise in SAP Datasphere, fails with an error:

HTTP Status: 500 Internal Server Error
Error Code: getChildrenFailed
Technical Message: internal error: Cannot get remote source objects: Could not get tables, Code: 403, SQL State: HY000


- Remote tables are partially available for this connection.

Furthermore, validation of the corresponding connection fails with below error:

Remote Tables: Probably authorizations are missing from ABAP tables: internal error: cannot get remote source objects: Could not get tables, code 403, SQL State: HY000


SAP Datasphere

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to app Data Builder ->  Import Remote Tables
  2. Select the SAP BW/ECC/ABAP/S/4HANA On-Premise connection and expand folders
  3. Click View Details can see more information.


  1. Select the connection in SAP Datasphere.
  2. Click Validation.


Insufficient authorizations or missing correction.


  1. Make sure SAP Note 2203709 is implemented on the source system

    Checking on indexserver trace in HANA Cloud Database, will find the error messages:

    DPAdapterManager AdapterManager.cpp(04549) : ::sendMessage: No BAdI implementation for subscriber type 'HANA_SDI'
    FedTrace DPAdapterAccess.cpp(02466) : DPAdapterAccess::BrowseMetadata: failed with error: No BAdI implementation for subscriber type 'HANA_SDI'

    That indicates the SAP Note 2203709 is missing in Datasphere's source system. Implement this SAP Note.

  2. Fix insufficient authorizations 

    Make sure the maintained credentials (USER on the ABAP source system) in the connection has sufficient authorizations according to Authorizations.

    You can use below method to find the missing authorization:

    1. Change the user type from system to dialog type.
    2. Log into source system with this USER.
    3. Validate the connection on SAP Datasphere side until the warning message appears.
    4. Use SU53 on the source system to display the missing privileges of the USER.

NOTE: This solution is NOT relevant for Connection Type "S/4HANA Cloud"
For S/4HANA Cloud connections, check out KBA 3381575 - Error getChildrenFailed for remote tables of S/4HANA Cloud in SAP Datasphere

See Also


"Cannot get remote source objects" "Could not get tables" "getChildrenFailed", dwc, data warehouse cloud, proper, Internal Server Error, getChildrenFailed, code 403, DQL State:HY000, SQL State: HY000, Could not get tables, authorizations, missing, ABAP Tables, ABAP adapter, dwc, data warehouse cloud , KBA , DS-DI-CON , Connections , DS-DI-RT , Remote Tables , How To


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